How Use Dropbox Smart Sync Feature to Save Hard Drive ...



Differences Between Dropbox Selective Sync and Smart Sync

2021年10月28日 — Smart Sync is a feature of the Dropbox desktop app that allows you to make files online-only so you can save hard drive space on your computer.

Dropbox Smart Sync in 2024 [What Is It and How Does ...

2024年2月3日 — Dropbox Smart Sync frees up hard disk space by making files or folders online-only (available only in your Dropbox account) or available both in ...

Dropbox Smart Sync

2023年5月5日 — Dropbox Smart Sync works by creating a virtual link between your device and your Dropbox account. When you open a file or folder that is stored ...

Dropbox – Smart Sync Quick Start Guide

2018年2月5日 — Dropbox – Smart Sync Quick Start Guide · Choose if individual files or folders are available online-only or locally on your computer · Select a ...

How to make your Dropbox files online

You can sync your files in three different places with Dropbox: ①In the Dropbox folder on your computer. ②In a web browser at

Smart Sync Does Not Appear in Preferences

2022年4月23日 — Smart Sync appears in preferences for my MacBook Pro but not my new Mac Studio. I manually have to download Dropbox files to the Mac Studio but ...


2022年2月2日 — So, SmartSync is just a way of having things inside Dropbox but not using up hard drive space. There is no way, with ANY Dropbox ...

Sync Files and Folders across Devices

You can sync Dropbox files and folders across devices with the Dropbox app. Sign in to your Dropbox account on each device, then add your files and folders to ...


2021年10月28日—SmartSyncisafeatureoftheDropboxdesktopappthatallowsyoutomakefilesonline-onlysoyoucansaveharddrivespaceonyourcomputer.,2024年2月3日—DropboxSmartSyncfreesupharddiskspacebymakingfilesorfoldersonline-only(availableonlyinyourDropboxaccount)oravailablebothin ...,2023年5月5日—DropboxSmartSyncworksbycreatingavirtuallinkbetweenyourdeviceandyourDropboxaccount.Whenyouopenafileorfolderthati...